Gretchen: oh! and my morning tweet (I thought you would appreciate): Ah, coffee. The warm hug everyone deserves in the morning. Except you, Brett Favre. You're still an asshole.
Kristy: LOL
Gretchen: since you're not on twitter I feel the need to share
Kristy: love it
Gretchen: and this not drinking thing really makes me clever in the morning
Kristy: haha, i wouldn't know!
Gretchen: I don't really recommend it. It was simply an observation.
Kristy: i love you!!!!!
Gretchen: haha I love you too!!!!!!!!
wanna make out?
Kristy: lalalalalalalalallala
Gretchen: oh my god. I love us
Kristy: ME TOO!
And that's how The Awesome does it.